We are a team of people who are very familiar with hunting dogs. We own Alpine Dachsbracke dogs in our ranks, which are ideal for group hunting. Our Bavarian Mountain Hound, on the other hand, complements them perfectly as a dog for finding wounded animals.

Our company offers the service of renting hunting dogs for group hunting and to search for wounded animals as an emergency service.

Our dogs are well trained, obedient and ready to work. Our dog handlers have completed various training courses or workshops in order to be able to work best in the field.

We provide our customers with full discretion and an individual approach to each assignment. We are open to individual needs and try to adapt our services to the expectations of each customer.

We invite you to take advantage of our hunting dog rental services for group hunting and to search for wounded animals and experience unforgettable moments in the company of the best hunting dogs.

Contact us and we will prepare an individual offer for you.