Organisation of hunting

at the highest level

Hunting Office

From a passion for hunting. Organisation of hunting throughout Poland.

Preparation of Animals

We are committed to creating unique and original hunting trophies.

Hunting dogs

Rental of hunting dogs for group hunting and searching for wounded animals


The unique character of paying homage to the hunted game.

Estimation of Game Damage

Estimating the economic value of damage caused by game.


Enthusiasts and promoters of consuming game meat as the healthiest meat.

Hunting Driada photo gallery

Photos related to the activities of Hunting Driada

Why should you chosoe us?

Our passion is manifested in every action taken by Hunting Driada.

About Us

Hunting Driada, a hunting office created out of passion that offers a wide range of hunting-related services. We specialise in organising hunting, providing our customers with specially trained hunting dogs, and ensuring the necessary infrastructure for successful hunting.

Hunting Driada also offers preparation services enabling the beauty of hunting prey to be effectively preserved and perpetuated. With professional hunting bugling, customers can enjoy a safe and controlled hunting experience. In addition, we promote game, encouraging the consumption of healthy and natural food.

We also provide an estimation of game damage service, which allows us to quickly and efficiently resolve any problems related to these incidents.

All services offered by Hunting Driada are carried out with the utmost care and professionalism to ensure complete customer satisfaction. With experience and knowledge, Hunting Driada is an excellent choice for anyone who values safety, quality, and professionalism in hunting and related services.

How to book a hunting trip?

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Hunting in Africa 2023

Discover the wild Africa with Hunting Driada. Trips available from October 15th to October 29th, 2023.

How to book a hunting trip?

Cras suscipit ipsum eu magna mollis, eget ornare nisi ultricies. Fusce eu diam diam.


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